SQL database skills are consistently among the most sought after in the world of data science. LinkedIn Learning has compiled a 'Master SQL for Data Science' learning path consisting of 6 different SQL courses ranging from basic to advanced topics.
In this learning path, master the skills needed for data science project specialists, and develop a solid foundation of knowledge for working with SQL engineers. Click here to enroll in 'Master SQL for Data Science' by LinkedIn Learning.
Here is the list of courses from the 'Master SQL for Data Science' learning path (all provide their own certificate of completion):
Knowing how to code and manage relational databases and database-driven applications is a valuable skill for any career in tech. Completely updated for 2019, SQL Essential Training is designed to help users understand the most common language for database wrangling, SQL.
All the lessons have been recorded in SQLiteStudio, an intuitive and easy-to-install database manager. Instructor Bill Weinman teaches all the major features of SQL: creating tables; defining relationships; manipulating strings, numbers, and dates; using triggers to automate actions; and using subselects and views. He offers a solid working knowledge of the language and shows how to retrieve and manage data efficiently. The final chapter includes a real-world example of building a simple application using SQL.
Structured Query Language (SQL) is a common tool for retrieving data from relational databases such as SQL Server, MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL.
This course provides an introduction to this core programming language. Learn how to request data from a database, limit and sort the responses, aggregate data from multiple tables with joins, and edit and delete data. Instructor Scott Simpson also shows how to perform simple math operations and transform data into different formats.
Do you rely on IT to get the data you need? Are you often stuck waiting in line for data, and wish you could just retrieve it yourself? In this course, learn how to get the data you want by writing a bit of SQL code. You won't just be able to pull data out of the database; you'll be able to manipulate it: merging it, grouping it, and relabeling it to get just the report you want.
In this course, Join Emma Saunders as she shows how to write simple SQL queries for data reporting and analysis using a publicly accessible online database. Learn how to filter, group, and sort data, using built-in SQL functions to format or calculate results. Discover how to perform more complex queries, such as joining data together from different database tables. Last but not least, she introduces views, procedures, functions, and variables.
Many data scientists know how to work with SQL—the industry-standard language for data analysis. But as data sizes grow, you need to know how to do more than simply read and write from a database. This course provides a more sophisticated approach to designing data models and optimizing queries in SQL.
Instructor Dan Sullivan begins with the logical and physical design of tables—with particular focus on very large databases—and then presents a deep dive review of indexes, including specialized indexes and when to use them. The next section introduces query optimization and shows how to optimize basic, multi-join, and more complex queries. The course also covers SQL extensions, including user-defined functions and specialized data types. The techniques taught here enable more efficient analysis of large data sets using SQL, statistics, and custom business logic.
Get Ben Sullins's 12 must-have SQL techniques for data science pros—engineers, DevOps, data miners, programmers, and other systems specialists. Ben's tips focus on practical applications of SQL queries for data analysis.
Learn how to retrieve data, join tables, calculate rolling averages and rankings, work with dates and times, use window functions, aggregate and filter data, and much more. Each tip is short, relevant, and up to date with current industry best practices—making this the perfect course for busy analysts who normally struggle to find time to build their skills.
Netflix and Airbnb both use Presto—an open-source SQL query engine developed by Facebook—for their ever-expanding big data querying needs. In this course, learn how to harness the power of your big data system using the Presto platform, which breaks the false dilemma of having to choose between an expensive commercial solution that offers fast analytics, and a slow, ostensibly free solution that requires excessive hardware.
Data science expert Ben Sullins helps you get up to speed with Presto, and leverage it to accomplish a wide-range of data science and analytics tasks. He uses different interfaces with Presto—such as R and Tableau—and digs into the expressive SQL language that Presto offers for your analysis. At the end of this course, you'll know the key concepts of Presto and how to use them to take full advantage of your modern big data system.
Upon completion of the courses, you'll receive a certificate of completion from LinkedIn Learning which you can: