Learn to perform semantic and instance segmentation on videos with few lines of code using PixelLib in Python.
PixelLib is a library created for performing image and video segmentation using few lines of code. It is a flexible library created to allow easy integration of image and video segmentation into software solutions.
You can perform two different kinds of segmentation using PixelLib:
The basic requirements for PixelLib are as follows:
To install the libraries necessary for this tutorial, you can run the following commands through the command line/terminal on your machine,
pip install tensorflow pixellib
To import the library in Python, you can simply write,
import pixellib
We will be performing semantic segmentation in this sample video,
To perform semantic segmentation using PixelLib, we need a pre-trained model called Xception which has been trained on the ade20k dataset. You can download the pre-trained model from here and keep it in the root directory of your codebase.
The code for performing semantic segmentation using PixelLib is as follows:
# Omporting the semantic_segmentation object type from pixellib.semantic from pixellib.semantic import semantic_segmentation # Setting the file path for the input video input_video_file_path = "videos/test_video.mp4" # Creating a semantic_segmentation object segment_video = semantic_segmentation() # Loading the Xception model trained on ade20k dataset segment_video.load_ade20k_model("deeplabv3_xception65_ade20k.h5") # Processing the video segment_video.process_video_ade20k( input_video_file_path, frames_per_second=30, output_video_name="videos/semantic_segmentation_output.mp4", )
The output video looks like this,
We will be performing instance segmentation in this sample video (same video as before),
To perform instance segmentation using PixelLib, we need a pre-trained model called Mask R-CNN which has been trained on the COCO dataset. You can download the pre-trained model from here and keep it in the root directory of your codebase.
The code for performing instance segmentation using PixelLib is as follows:
# Importing the instance_segmentation object type from pixellib.instance from pixellib.instance import instance_segmentation # Setting the file path for the input video input_video_file_path = "videos/test_video.mp4" # Creating an instance_segmentation object segment_video = instance_segmentation() # Loading the Mask R-CNN model trained on the COCO dataset segment_video.load_model("mask_rcnn_coco.h5") # Processing the video segment_video.process_video( input_video_file_path, show_bboxes=True, extract_segmented_objects=True, save_extracted_objects=False, frames_per_second=30, output_video_name="videos/instance_segmentation_output.mp4", )
The output video looks like this,
Now that you know how to segment semantics as well as instances from a video, you can now create a video background removal tool by altering the pixels of a video.
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